‘Murmuration’ moves as one uniform entity that subtly shifts form and shape in ebbs and flows.  Encompassing a unique blend of instrumentation ranging from ‘saxophones and trumpets’ to those more commonly found in chamber ensembles, such as low brass, strings and bassoon, Murmuration weaves between orchestrated hive-mind elements that take the listener through ambient fields and chaotic rumbles. 

The music is influenced by Calum’s vivid recurring dreams of living in Australia —  from a murmuration of birds moving like a ‘giant shadow floating in the wind’,  to visions of violent swirling water within a vast dark expanse of sea. 

Calum Builder (Compositions/Alto Saxophone) | Miguel Crozzoli (Tenor Saxophone) | Carolyn Goodwin (Bass Clarinet) | Sara Bulili (Bassoon)|
Erik Kimmestad (Trumpet) | Håkon Guttormsen (Trumpet) | Kristian Tangvik (Tuba) | Basia Kammer (Viola) | Oda Dyrnes (Cello) |
Piotr Dubajko (Double Bass) | Jan Kadereit (Percussion/Drums) |

Photos by Benjamin Garay Witting